FAFSA 2024 Updates

由于FAFSA程序在全国范围内的延迟, all new and returning students will receive their financial aid awards later than usual this year. FAFSA 2024常见问题

Loyola has extended the enrollment deposit deadline for incoming first-year students to June 1, 2024. Read the full message

Strategic Plan for Inclusive Excellence

Loyola University 新奥尔良 welcomes students of diverse back理由 and prepares them to lead meaningful lives with and for others and to work for a more just world. 我们的使命以耶稣会士身份为核心, 我们相信洛约拉有能力成为包容性卓越的国家典范. 我们的本科生人口的多样性反映了他们这一代的多样性. 随着美国人口结构的演变,我们也在随之演变. 然而,多样性是包容性卓越的必要但不充分条件.

All Loyola students, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, and visitors must be welcomed, 包括, 支持, and recognized equitably. When we can achieve this, 我们将收获多样性的全部回报:提高学习成果, 更令人满意的工作和生活条件, 为成为有效的全球公民做好更好的准备. 有了这个目标,多元化,公平 & Inclusion Committee developed this 2022 Strategic Plan for Inclusive Excellence 这可以概括为以下三个首要目标. 在每个目标中, you can read the specific strategies we've outlined and the progress we've made toward our goal since launching the plan.

Goal One: We Create Opportunity

In alignment with our strategic plan, we’re building an inclusive community where students are 支持 and embraced for who they are.

How we’re achieving it:

  • We’re making sure our students have resources and reporting tools available to them to build a safe campus learning environment where they can openly express themselves and share their input with the university. 
  • 我们正在投资改善我们的设施,以促进无障碍, including creating gender-inclusive bathrooms and opening a new Center for Multicultural Affairs that will serve as a hub for social justice and 多样性 initiatives.
  • 我们正在使大学费用更加公平. Loyola has a budget of $80.5 million for student financial aid, 99%的学生都能获得某种形式的经济援助.
  • 我们正在努力消除学生保留方面的种族和阶级差异, and we continuously work to improve our retention and graduation rates in accordance with the university’s strategic plan.
策略 取得的进展

更新和发布洛约拉的偏见事件报告协议, 包括有关首席衡平法团的角色和职能的资料 & Inclusion Officer, Bias Response Team, 监察员, Chief 学生的行为 Officer, 介质, and Title VII investigators.

An assessment of the Bias Incident Reporting system began in the Fall; In Spring 2021, 更新的协议和职责的澄清将提交给校园皇冠365官方app.

Establish a team of four trained Title VII investigators: two each to investigate formal grievances against 教师 和工作人员.

Effort to enhance training of investigators began in Fall; With Chief Conduct Officer, will complete a needs assessment in Spring to establish more streamlined processes; Currently have four investigators to handle bias cases.

Identify one or more trained 介质 to supplement 罗耀拉的 university 监察员 and Chief 学生的行为 Officer in mediating bias-related conflicts between 教师, 工作人员, 和学生.

这一过程将于2021年春季在人力资源部门的协助下开始, 教务长办公室, and Chief 学生的行为 Officer

Establish a team of trained volunteer advocates to support complainants and respondents during Title VII/bias incident procedures.

这一过程将于2021年春季在人力资源部门的协助下开始, 教务长办公室, and Chief 学生的行为 Officer

Publish accessibility protocols for use during outages and other emergencies that limit or inhibit student, 教师, 和工作人员 access to buildings, 办公室, 教室, 和其他空间.

Process will begin in Spring 2021 in coordination with Accessible Education and the Physical Plant

发布洛约拉建筑可达性的年度评估报告, 理由, 和空间. Include improvement plans.

In consultation with Accessible Education, OEI will begin a full audit of campus in Spring 2021 to understand any impediments to success that exist.

每年向公平办公室分配资金 & 包容,以确保洛约拉的成功实现这一计划的目标.

除了总统办公室提供的资金, OEI is currently seeking funds (in the form of grants and private contributions) from outside entities to support goals of office

Goal Two: We Teach Our Values

Concepts of 多样性, 股本, 包容融入了我们的课程和学生培训项目, 教师, 和工作人员.

How we’re achieving it:

  • 罗耀拉的 1项 提供以种族问题为重点的多学科课程, 股本, 和包容 as they apply to current issues and academic fields of study in an accelerated two-week program between the fall and spring semesters.
  • 通过我们的Paws和Reflect培训项目, 学生们在校园的第一天就开始进行小组讨论, 反思在洛约拉培养包容性意味着什么.
  • We are training our 教师 how best to teach and support our gloriously diverse student body. The Office of Equity and Inclusion will expand workshops and events focused on topics including cultural competency, 内隐偏见, microaggressions, 同性恋的宣传, 性别代词, 包容历史上被边缘化的群体.
策略 取得的进展

开发, with the Office of the Provost, 多样性, 股本, 包容, 和社会正义(DEISJ)的学习目标洛约拉学生.

Creation of January term in which all courses (spread across several disciplines) revolve around issues of race, 股本, 和包容.

设计指定洛约拉课程的DEISJ指定标准, 并创建一个现有DEISJ产品的数据库.

Working with Provost’s office to strengthen and clarify which courses fall under DEISJ classification. J-term增加了DEISJ产品的数量.

为新生建立入职DEI教育和培训计划, 教师, 和工作人员 that demonstrate 罗耀拉的 institutional commitment to its mission and conveys the University’s expectations for community member conduct.

• Currently have Paws and Reflect, a 多样性 和包容 presentation, 这是根据需要提供给校园内的各种组织的.



• Staff development and leadership training program for underrepresented 工作人员 is in the pipeline.

实施年度DEI培训,通知全体教员, 工作人员, 和学生 for 罗耀拉的 institutional responsibilities and community members’ right and responsibilities with respect to Title IX (which prohibits sex discrimination and sexual misconduct) and Title VII (which prohibits discrimination against federally protected groups) and as articulated in 罗耀拉的 Discrimination and Harassment Policy.

Will begin working with university Title IX officer in coming weeks to more effectively present this data to Loyola community.

Establish a 工作人员 development program with workshops and programs featuring meaningful critical decisions of DEI subjects (e.g., 包括历史上被边缘化的群体,这些群体不受联邦保护, such as LGBTQIA+ persons; cultural competency, 内隐偏见, microaggressions, 等.).

The first program in this category for 工作人员 is currently being developed with initial presentations in February 2021. Program will focus on LGBTQIA+ issues.

建立一个教师发展计划,包括有意义的研讨会和项目, critical discussions of DEI subjects (e.g., 包括历史上被边缘化的群体,这些群体不受联邦保护, such as LGBTQIA+ persons; cultural competency, 内隐偏见, microaggressions, 等.).

The first program in this category for 教师 is scheduled for a presentation in February 2021. Program will focus on 性别代词.

Goal Three: We Live Our Values

我们的教职员工代表了我们皇冠365官方app的多样性, 我们优先考虑资金和资源,以实现包容性卓越的目标.

How we’re achieving it:

  • 罗耀拉的 commitment to 多样性, 股本, 在所有空缺职位中,包容性都是突出的特点, 同时,我们会积极招聘多元化的人才资源. We saw a 33% year-over-year rise in the percent of full-time 教师 hired in the 2020 – 2021 school year who identify as people of color.
  • Loyola actively pursues relationships with vendors and partner companies that are certified as Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs), which means they are owned and operated by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.
  • Loyola is currently working with Mercer, an external consulting group, to complete a comprehensive Compensation Study in order to create pay structures that are both competitive in the marketplace and equitable for all employees.
策略 取得的进展

在全国范围内搜索所有开放的学术职位. 在不同的候选人可以接触到的招聘资源中主动发布职位广告. Recruit actively and widely, 利用个人和专业的网络来扩大与不同受众的接触. Prominently feature, 在招聘广告和整个申请过程中, 罗耀拉的 commitment to 多样性, 股本, 和包容.

Work is being undertaken by DEIC subcommittee with progress to be reported by end of Spring semester 2021.

Conduct regional or national searches, 适当的, 所有开放的行政/行政和专业职位, 并在不同候选人访问的就业资源中主动发布职位广告. Recruit actively and widely,利用个人和专业的网络来扩大与不同受众的接触. Prominently feature, 在招聘广告和整个申请过程中, 罗耀拉的 commitment to 多样性, 股本, 和包容.


Provide training to all search committees in strategies for actively recruiting underrepresented candidates and for ensuring equitable interview and selection processes (e.g., managing 内隐偏见es).

与教务长办公室和人力资源部合作, 这项工作的规划将于2021年春季启动.

为各部门主管和系主任提供DEI管理培训, 涵盖评估中的内隐偏见等主题, 公平有效的员工发展实践, 等.


Updated January 15, 2021