
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences


  • College of Arts and Sciences
  • 数学 and Computer Science


  • 数学


Maria Calzada joined the Loyola University 新奥尔良 faculty in the Department of Math in the fall of 1991. She became Dean of the College of Humanities and Natural Sciences in 2013, now known as the College of Arts and Sciences. Her research interests include mathematical computations with an emphasis on applications in statistical quality control.  She also enjoys working on teaching projects in collaboration with faculty in her department and the natural sciences.  Her teaching interests include all levels of undergraduate mathematics, but she has a special affinity for freshman level calculus. She hopes that college students will learn, 理解, enjoy and use calculus as a base for deeper mathematical and scientific explorations. In 2008, she received a National Science Foundation grant to pursue interdisciplinary studies in the Loyola Chemistry Department. As a result of that grant, Dr. Calzada continues to pursue interdisciplinary research on Spectroscopy topics together with Chemistry faculty and undergraduate student researchers.


  • 微积分我
  • 数学模型
  • Applied Scientific Computing
  • Stat Theory and Methods
  • Honors Seminar: Applied Scientific Computing



托比·K·博伊森.斯宾塞,托马斯·G.,卡尔扎达,玛丽亚E.哈伯,查尔斯·C. “Frequency domain analysis for laser-locked cavity ringdown spectroscopy,光学快报, 19:9, 8092–8101 (2011).

玛丽亚·E·卡尔扎达. 加德纳,霍莉. “Confidence Intervals for the Mean: To Bootstrap or not to Bootstrap,” 数学 and Computer Education, 45:1, 25-38 (2011).

Stephen M . Scariano. 卡尔扎达,玛丽亚·E. “The Generalized Synthetic Chart,” Sequential Analysis, 28:1, 54-68 (2009).

玛丽亚·E·卡尔扎达. and Stephen M . Scariano. “Joint Monitoring of the Mean and Variance of Combined Control Charts with Estimated Parameters,” Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, 36:5, 1115-1134 (2007).

Stephen M . Scariano. 卡尔扎达,玛丽亚·E. “Statistical Thinking with Trend Charts,” 数学 Teacher, 100: 8, 534-541 (2007).